Facing the Storm-9

Mum & Dad

When I went through breast cancer in 2012-2013 I had the love and support of my parents.

How much had changed in 5 years.

My wonderful Dad had passed away in 2016 and although I still felt his loss so deeply, in a strange way I felt relieved to have saved him the pain of going through all this again. If he was watching over me, which I liked to think he was, I knew exactly the expression that would be painted across his face.

It would be a gentle and tender smile from his eyes.

In September 2017, almost exactly a year after we lost Dad, my brother and I were forced to take the hardest decision to move our precious Mum into a care home. Suffering from a condition called Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Mum struggled with her balance and despite the fact we’d employed a full-time live-in carer, she was still prone to falls. We found a lovely, small care home near to me, and I was able to visit her regularly.

It was only about 6 weeks after Mum had moved up from Surrey into the care home when I got my diagnosis. We decided not to say anything to her about my illness, unless we absolutely had to. I certainly didn’t want her to know that I was going into hospital because it wouldn’t have helped me to know that she’d be worrying. So, we just carried on as normal. If I couldn’t see her, Ian and the girls would spend time with her, or my brother would visit, or our friends from Worcestershire.

My first book – ‘See the Colour in the Clouds’ tells the story of my first journey with breast cancer, when my daughters were just 8yrs and 5yrs, and how they played such an important role in my recovery.

See the Colour in the Clouds – by Stefanie Sixsmith – Autobiography and Memoir
Published 30th November 2021 by Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

Kindle edition and paperback available from:
Amazon.co.uk Amazon.com
Also available from: Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd. http://www.austinmacauley.com/book/see-colour-clouds
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