Facing the Storm

Facing the Storm-My second journey through breast cancer, (told though excerpts from my diary with my accompanying original artworks) to be released in regular blogs throughout 2023.

In November 2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. Despite having had a double mastectomy, it was back; same grade, same place.

Once again I relied on my diary regularly, to offload and to keep some sort of grasp on this new fragmented vision of my life. And once again, imagery played a huge part in my diary. Call it ‘art therapy’ – or just an escape route to my daydreams - which I have always been prone to!

Now it’s five years on from finishing my chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, and with quite a different story to tell, I have decided to share some of my journey in regular blogs instead of publishing a second book.

My first book – ‘See the Colour in the Clouds’ tells the story of my first journey with breast cancer, when my daughters were just 8yrs and 5yrs, and how they played such an important role in my recovery.

‘See the Colour in the Clouds’ by Stefanie Sixsmith – Autobiography and Memoir Published 30th November 2021 by Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd® Available to buy from: www.austinmacauley.com/book/see-colour-clouds Also available from: Amazon.co.uk. Amazon.com Waterstones Barnes & Noble and other retailers.


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